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Dom Longman and Michael Cottam, both product designers and motorcycle fans, were dissatisfied by the absence of high-quality, well-designed baggage for motorcycle riders and decided to utilize their combined talents to address a vacuum in the market they thought existed in 2000.

From the beginning, the objective was to establish a reputation for producing the highest-quality, best-designed items on the market, with unrivaled utility and workmanship. It was a purposeful decision from the beginning to be a non-fashion company that concentrated on developing function-driven design that was not compromised or confined by having to create things to a pre-determined pricing. The original Kriega backpack cost nearly twice as much as the best alternatives on the market at the time, but Kriega's unwavering belief that anything designed with passion and attention to detail will work has propelled them to the top of the motorcycle market in terms of brand perception and user satisfaction.

The origin of the word Kriega is a frequently discussed subject. Krug was the original name of the company (in homage to the Wes Craven created character, later to become Freddy Krugger). Krug champagne sent a Trade Mark infringement notification together with the first batch of Krug goods. Not the finest of beginnings!

Kriega's reputation has risen along with its product offering, which now comprises a huge selection of rider packs, bike packs, and accessories, and its availability has grown as well, with Kriega currently being sold in over 40 countries worldwide and rising by the month!

Regardless of their previous success, the Kriega team is dedicated to developing the greatest available baggage alternatives for motorcyclists and believes that excellent design counts!

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